Why Skincare is the Ultimate Beauty Hack!

Skinified Beauty: Heard of it? Don't worry, we've got your back!
The Skinification of Beauty ('skinified beauty trend') is the latest beauty trend that makes personal care products work harder by delivering skincare benefits over and above their intended primary benefit. Think foundation ALSO delivering hydration, conditioner ALSO aiding in scalp care or lipstick ALSO combatting chapped lips.

Excitingly, in the modern beauty world, the lastest spotlight on Skinified beauty means that the days of heavy makeup and elaborate routines are gone! It’s all about letting your skin shine, quite literally! Skinified beauty celebrates the natural glow that comes from healthy, well-nourished skin, making it the ultimate modern beauty hack.


So why fuss over foundation when you can achieve a flawless complexion by investing in skincare and getting that good-glow from the moment you wake up!? From treatment cleansers to serums and moisturisers, each product plays a vital role in nurturing your skin’s health, paving the way for a luminous, makeup free look, AKA that natural glow we’re all looking for!


Time to ditch the cakey-makeup and embrace a simpler, more sustainable approach to beauty? We think so.


At Murad, skincare isn’t just about looking good; it’s about feeling confident in your own skin. By prioritising Murad’s 4 Pillars of Wellness, you’re not only enhancing your outer appearance but also boosting your inner glow, delivering radiance and confidence with a side serving of health! Win-Win-Win!


PLUS, with skincare, you don’t just have to treat your face. Scalp feeling a little scratchy? Apply our Cellular Hydration Repair Serum (or Mask) overnight. If you’re up for a little slippier experience, squeeze in some Multi-Vitamin Infusion Oil to lock in hydration. No extra products required!


Dive into the world of Skinified Beauty and discover the transformative power of skincare. With Murad’s innovative products (from our OG AHA/BHA Exfoliating Cleanser to our latest launch Retinal ReSculpt Eye Treatment) achieving smooth, radiant skin is a cinch. We make skincare simple yet oh-so-effective.